New Arrivals

Check out Incognito Guitars’ New Arrivals section to see our ever-expanding selection of incredible pieces of equipment!

From the most in-demand guitars, amplifiers, and pedals to the industry leaders in cutting-edge HiFi, Pro, and Home Audio!

Guitars from ESP, Schecter, Washburn, Jackson, and Charvel!

Amplifiers from ENGL, Marshall, Mezzabarba, Victoria!

Pedals from Catalinbread, Dunlop, MXR, Way Huge, Eventide, KHDK, Source Audio, ZVEX and more!

Get your Pro Audio needs met from industry leaders like Universal Audio, Warm Audio, and Analysis Plus!

Home Audio from historied brands like Wharfedale, LEAK, as well as HiFi Rose, MoFi Electronics, and more!

Whatever your needs for home, studio, stage, listening room, lounge, home theater, and more, Incognito can help.

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